Objects Panel

Objects panel displays the hierarhic structure of the company departments and vehicles. The panel includes a group of tabs that allow to manage the monitoring process.
Objects Panel

"Vehicle fleet" tab

1. "Vehicle fleet" tab
The Vehicle fleet tab displays the hierarhic structure of the company departments and vehicles.

List of vehicle fleets

2. List of vehicle fleets
This tool allows to select the necessary vehicle fleet from the drop-down list.

Area of vehicle fleet structure

3. Area of vehicle fleet structure
When you right-click something in the vehicle fleet structure, there are the following functions available:
  • call – making a call (see the section Settings - SIP phone);
  • collapse all – collapses the hierarchic structure up to the root directory;
  • expand all – expands the hierarchic structure of a vehicle fleet;
  • select all – selects all the objects in the group (puts ticks in checkboxes);
  • deselect all – deselects objects in the group (removes the ticks from checkboxes);
  • event editor – opens the event editor window.
After you have selected a vehicle fleet from the list, its structure is displayed in the area of vehicle fleet structure where you can select all objects of the vehicle fleet, single objects or groups of objects. Selected objects are displayed in the tab Monitoring - List and in the Telemetry Panel:


4. Search
This tool allows to search objects in the vehicle fleet structure.
When you click the Search button, the advanced search window opens:
To search, you have to input some characters of Name mask or IMEI mask.
It is also possible to perform case-sensitive search.

Main object

5. Main object
If this option is activated, a window with additional info (object name, speed, current location) appears for an object selected with the mouse cursor in the vehicle fleet structure.

Fleet info

6. Fleet info
If this option is activated, a pop-up window with the additional information (object name, data actuality, fuel level) appears in the fleet structure window, when you move the mouse cursor to some object.


7. Synchronization
When this option is activated, Additional map is automatically centered at the point that corresponds to the point of the Main map centre.

Object names

8. Object names
If this option is activated, all the objects with selected checkboxes (objects with a tick) are indicated on the map. Names of the objects are displayed in the vehicle fleet structure.

"Monitoring" tab

9. "Monitoring" tab
The Monitoring tab has three subtabs:
List  - a list of objects selected for monitoring is displayed. The information is provided in a table that includes object name, date and time of last received location point, current object speed, and also indicator of data actuality.
Main monitored object is selected with double click and is indicated as red, and the map is automatically centered at the current location of the object; and in the tab Active, a table with additional information appears. You can also select an Additional monitored object (it will be indicated as blue in the list) in the Telemetry panel.
  • Active – detailed actual information on the main monitored object is displayed.
  • Telemetry – current data from the sensors installed on the monitored object is displayed here.

"Track" tab

10. "Track" tab
In the tab Track, the current track is displayed in a table.
The point has the following attributes: date and time, parking/idling duration, altitude above the sea level, type, number of satellites, latitude and longitude (the attributes can be set in the section Settings - General - Calibration table).
In case if the function Make the camera follow the object is active, then (if you select a line in the track table) the object marker will be automatically moved to the corresponding location on the map
In the Track tab, there is a panel with additional options
  Point from track – this option is added for the fast search of some track point in the table. If you activate this option (mode) and click somewhere on the main map, the marker will be positioned in the nearest point of the track, and the corresponding line in the track table will become selected. 
Delete track – this tool allows to delete the track table in the Track tab.
Save track – this tool allows to save a track. When you click this button, a window appears where you need to input the route name:
Saved routes will be displayed in the Routes tab in the Telemetry Panel.
Play track – loads the track of the object and shows how the object was moving.
When you launch this tool, a track player appears on the Google Earth map. With the help of this player you can see the movement of the object on the map (the marker of the active track point is always displayed in the centre of the map while you watch the object moving along the recorded track).
– use this button to play the track from the current point. If you click it second time, it pauses .
– use this button to play the track from the current point backwards. If you click it second time, playback speed increases.
– use this button to play the track from the current point onward. If you click it second time, playback speed increases.
– move the slider to find the necessary time point of the track fast.
– the time of the current point in the loaded track is displayed here.
– use this tool to play the track record multiple times.
There are additional options to manage track record:
  • Track turns. When this option is activated, the map is positioned according to the direction of the monitored object's movement. When this option is not activated, the map stays oriented to the North while the monitored object is moving.
  • Whole track. When this option is activated, the whole track is played back.